Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Theory of the Plate Tectonics

Do You agree with the theory of plate tectonic? Why or Why not?  

Plate Tectonic is the movement of Earth, this is created in the continental and ocean lithosphere.
The plates are also formed by the mantle witch form part of the layers under the Earth the the mantle is composed by solid rocks also the Magma is formed of melted rocks witch is one of the layers, temperatures is about 2,000 degrees that can be the cause of Earthquake. 

1.2025 millions years ago the continents were together this theory is called "Pangea"
the continents now are separate because of the Earth movement that 
the plates cause, each continents has their own pate tectonic.
also we can see the differences between the 2025 and the map we have now.

2. Also the scientists had founded many fossils witch is related with the theory of the
the continents were together once, Fossils of "Remains of Mesosaurus, crocodile" 
and more, these fossils are founded in continents like North America and South Africa, 
this tells us that this theory is true because as we know that these animals ecxist in this age. 

3. Another is the builds of the mountains, volcanoes the earthquakes.
these are created of the cause of the plates tectonics 
as we know when two plates comes together creates mountain and when the rocks goes down and up creates earthquakes by the plates tectonics. 

5. My opinion about this is that the scientists are doing a hard work on finding all these things
I think there is a lot of good evidences that support these theories of the Earth, I agree with 
all these because everything has their own strong evidence to makes us believe it.

1.What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I did enjoy making the activities because is fun to be creative
2.what was most challenging for you during this project and why?
I believe was memorising the the movements, the pates.
3.what new skills you learn from this project and why?
I learn how to learn something more easier.
4.Is there anything you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
I could have done a lot of things well if I could be focused more in the topic.

5. what would you change about this project? 
I would change just to stare creating a Photographic Evidence first because that way we can learn more fats and is better for me.

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