Monday, December 16, 2013

Photographic Evidence

Plate tectonic has many different causes and effect in the earth.
Earthquake happen when the transform fault move and also if it was under the ocean caused tsunami.

Monday, October 14, 2013


  • Vocabulary:
  • Equator: Is the line in the middle of the Earth, Norther and Southern. ( Equator= Equador)
  • Hemisphere: is in the top of the Earth, that divides the Earth in two North and South.(Hemisphere=Hemisfera).
  • Axis: The line in middle of the Earth that makes the world go around the Sun. ( Axis=Eje)
  • Axis Tilt: the lien in the middle of Earth that tilt in the angle of 23.5 degree. (Axis Tilt= Longitud Axis)
  • Revolution: Is when the world goes around the sun. (Revolution= Revolucion).
  • Revolution Length: The Earth goes around the sun in 365 days (year). (Revolution=Revolucion longitud)
  • Orbit: the line that makes the planets goes around. (orbit= Orbita).
  • Ellipse: is the line that looks in a oval shape, that makes the Earth around the sun. ( Ellipse=Elipse).
  • Summer Solstice: is one of the longest day in Jun 21 or 22. (Summer Solstice= Solstico de Verano
  • Winter Solstice: December 21 or 22 this day has the sort daylight. (Winter Solstice= Solstico de Invierno).                                                                                                                                                                  
SUMMARY: Equator is the imaginary line that is in the middle of the Norther and Southern like the. Hemisphere is also in a half of the Earth also in the Northern and Southern. The Axis is the line in        the top of the Earth also rotates in is axis also the Axis Tilt is in a position of 23.4 degrees that makes the Earth.  Revolution is when the Earth goes around the sun the  Revolution Length is when the Earth goes around the sun for 365 days in the, Orbit is the imaginary line that makes the Earth goes around in a Ellipse is the line in a form of a oval in that line the earth goes around as a result of the. Solstice is the two days in the year like Summer and Winter these days are.  Summer Solstice one of the days is in  June 21 is the longest day in the year witch means that is the beging of the sumer is a full day of sun also the.  Winter Solstice is in  December 21 the shortest daylight of the year. In conclusion this how the solstice works and how the Earth works with the sun in a year. 

                              How the Earth is affected by movement ( Revolution)?
                      Earth get the different kind of seasons when the Earth's goes around in the orbit,
                    when the Earth's get near to the sun we get summer and spring, when the
                   Earth get away from the sun we get winter and fall in a year of 365 days.
                      The Earth also gets the day and night working with the moon, also the ocean tide.


    1. I enjoy when we did the pictures because I have to be creative and I am not good at it.
    2. The most challenge thing was when we have to put the vocabulary in order to make the video because I have no idea how to do that.
    3. I learn how work in group and how to be creative.
    4. If I could change something I will make it more animated with a lot of pictures, I will describe more the pictures. 

    Saturday, September 21, 2013

    About Me

    1. Science is interesting. 
    2. I like to Dance. 
    3. Sharks scares me. 
    4. French Fries its my favorite food.
    5. I will be a Dancer teacher when I grow up.
    6. I have 0 siblings.
    7. My favorite color is purple.
    8. My favorite thing to do is Dance.
    9. Watch out for the people who doesn't like you.
    10. I wish that racism never exist.